My horror movie reviews

Zombieland: Double Tap Review

Whether it goes without saying or not I actually reviewed this movie before, the year it was released, and even shortly after watching it. All I really remember from that somewhat dated review (which isn’t even worth looking for again) is that I saw it as more of a reunion special simply because the actors who miraculously managed to return to this outing chose different career paths. Otherwise I can’t really add much except the way it references Babylon could’ve used work. Plus that whole thing with Eisenberg’s character’s fear of clowns and Harrelson’s love for twinkles is (mostly) abandoned in the decade where the first installment came from. There are some good snippets in this one, though, such as the amplified action, the score, and the way an entire decade was enough to develop the characters in order to create a relationship drama with Eisenberg and Stone’s characters if not the father/daughter dynamic with Harrelson and Breslin’s.

I mean let me put it like this: Bill Murray isn’t even a zombie, and they still manage to bring him back.