My horror movie reviews

Willard (2003) Review

I keep mentioning movies released in the 2000s which were either remade or inspired by 70s horror flicks. Yet one that fled my radar until now, mainly because it’s tame by even PG-13 horror standards, is this one. That and the fact that it’s not even that good of a horror movie in general. in fact take one element away from this movie, which is essentially the movie’s (Oscar worthy) saving grace, and it’s not even worth reviewing: Crispin Glover’s performance. The life he brings to Willard is four dimensional, to the point I felt just as bad when the first character he cares about dies as much as the next, even if one of them isn’t human. I don’t know what convinced Mr. Glover to give some kind of method acting in his role (nor what led Mr. Lee Ermey to tag along for the ride) but he really must have loved the original, as much as Mr. Snyder loved the first Dawn of the Dead, to bring new and unexpected life to it like this.