My horror movie reviews

Saw (2004) Review

Imagine if someone who knew what traumatized you when you were young dressed up as that very thing for Halloween. Then imagine if they said that they gave that same someone a slow and painful death (which they describe in too much detail) before giving you candy wrapped up in paper bits that you realize were literally the definition of horror which they went out of their way to cut out of every dictionary they had access to. And before that person leaves, the reality monster from the Nostalgia Critic’s “Monster Squad” review comes and pretends to break the former’s neck before they both leave. That’s what this movie was at its worst. At its best: It’s a horror movie that was not afraid to sacrifice fun to inject what was real life horror at the time of its release (which is now categorized as torture porn) into the slasher genre in order to reinvigorate horror in general. (Note: Also “Hello Zepp” has its charm once you acquire its feel, and the first promotional image of someone wearing the reverse bear-trap as far as made black and white images effectively disturbing again).