My horror movie reviews

Puppet Master vs. Demonic Toys Review

I have never seen any of these movies separately. I remember wanting to see the first Puppet Master due to its imaginative 80s charm, even though it also held that 80s cheapness you only found in films like the first Pet Cemetary, Monkey Shines and/or maybe Children of the Corn. As for Demonic Toys, well, I'm just going to say there are better Child's Play cash-ins by now. The movie in general doesn't even try, though I strangely enough don't think that's a bad thing. I can almost even sense by the inexplicable spirit it gives out that Freddy vs. Jason was bad enough and this movie invites us not to take it that seriously. I can pretty much give you an idea on how inspired this movie was by one of the character's final words:

"Merry Christmas my ass, and a crappy new year!"

Aaron Sorkin remains indebted to that level of homily for helping him win his Oscar.