My horror movie reviews

Knock at The Cabin Review

M. Night Shyamalan has always been the sort of director whose filmography proves how being as much a professional as an amateur is a human quality that we all have which, conveniently enough, is all the more relatable. One moment he makes movies like The Sixth Sense and Split the next he makes ones that would not exactly sound flattering despite never stopping him before. With that said I personally thought Knock at the Cabin could've been done worse in less experienced hands. What made it most effective, besides getting me into the premise is that it mostly reinvigorates psychological horror by incorporating an Emmerich inspired dread into the mix. Plus, if nothing else, the movie aims fairly high, if not ambitiously, by mixing a flashback or two within its scope in order to shed lights on the characters little by little. But now that the thoughts collect what I feel may have been the most inspired trait is how it proves why mixing entertainment with politics can sometimes ruin the immersion unless it makes sense. In fact it's almost as though each of the more brutal moments deconstructs the way these archetypes feel forced at times when radical intolerance intertwines. Once again shows why the best horror films don't always have to belong to the genre yet qualify anyway. So yeah, don't know why it took until now to watch one of his films again but it's good to see he found a book that was well worth adapting.

Even if his cameo could've used work.