My horror movie reviews

In Fabric Review

On one hand this is not Manos: The Hands of Fate as there is 100x more earnest effort put into this. However, it is nonetheless tricky to put into words as to what I just saw. I think I can at least say that, for a UK horror movie, this is remarkably PC. In fact the little violence there is, was mostly present in the trailer (which was 1% of the entire thing). It's essentially very Tarantinolike meets Coen brothers (with whoever it was that directed The Crying Game) circa 90s interlaced with its narrative structure. Even the ending, while morbid, if borderline cruel enough to belong in a horror movie, was as comically surreal as the most over-the-top scenes throughout the film (which mostly have to do with nightmares). Basically, this is very much a movie that is more dark fantasy/comedy than what you would expect from a standard horror film. It is an extremely well made film that has neat visuals, a top notch performance from Sheila and Miss Luckmoore's actresses, and even good throwback music. It just might not fit the bill for everyone expecting a horror film that I think almost forgets it's even a horror film most of the time (unless you count the surreal wtf scenes that range from borderline comedy to straight up, non sequitur fueled comedy).