My horror movie reviews

Hellraiser: Hellworld Review

For a movie to deserve a review (let alone a horror movie) something notable must have happened in it if not memorable. So given how many notable moments this film had the question must be asked: was this even supposed to be a Hellraiser film? Cause at least Hellraiser: Deader had that uniquely shocking first act despite throwing it all away by the end. Here, however, you almost get the feeling this was meant to be a prequel to House on Haunted Hill (or some alternate bandwagon passenger from just another obvious 2000s horror film trend) before they realized even that was incurably ham-fisted, so they pasted references to Hellraiser in the final draft before including ♪♫ Pinhead and the Cenobites ♪♫ at the very end. Not that I should even be this
 surprised given how they flat out admit they rushed production on it with its release date being less than three months apart from Deader’s.