My horror movie reviews

Dawn of the Dead (2004) Review

I don’t really know if my lack of having seen the original version is good or bad. All I know is that a lot of people gave Snyder a hard time for choosing to bring the 70s back. This being a decade which was renowned for almost the exact same reasons that the 2000s were in horror. I pretty much give a better explanation for it in my review of Piranha 3D, but the 70s were also about not only Romero’s work yet the films he inspired. So for every Zombie 2 or Day of the Dead we got a 28 Days Later and a Shaun of the Dead. Naturally fans (and even Romero himself) found the latter more faithful to his spirit. I was never really a puritan myself and found as much the movie as the trailer for Mr. Snyder’s take suitably scary (and even the right amount of disturbing) when it was released.