My horror movie reviews

Clown (2014) Review

I’m honestly perplexed that this movie skipped my radar unlike a lot of Syfy or Asylum flicks. This was mostly because there was too much to talk about it to be frank. No really, everybody always has expectations when it comes to horror movies about clowns. If we’re avid horror moviegoers then we’ve seen at least one movie with them. They can, of course, vary in tone from the silly ones like Killer Klowns from Outer Space, or even the 1990 It film, to the more brutal ones like Muschietti’s take or any film with Art the Clown in them (which who knows if I’ll ever hold interest in if even Damien Leone’s name is almost as hard to say as Tom half of 12’s). As for this movie I’m honestly more fascinated by its history and the reaction people got from it than by the overall product. Basically it started off as a mock trailer claiming to have Eli Roth involved, the latter who was cool enough to finance a feature and get Jon Watts known to the world. In a nutshell if Muscheitti’s It movies are the most epic Coca Cola soda variant you’ve ever tasted then 2014’s Clown is Coca Cola flavored lip smacker. I want to say it’s bad, but I don’t want to say it doesn’t try. I guess one thing it does its best to pull off is its less is more approach, which in a horror movie about clowns is akin to having a Friday the 13th movie with almost no Jason in it: tricky but it has happened. I suppose what bugged me the most, on a borderline personal level was, as I mentioned, a reaction. Basically critic Glenn Kenny said this. “I would ask any up-and-coming special-effects artist: Just because you can mold a convincing replica of a 6-year-old's severed arm, does it necessarily mean that you should?”

What do you think, Pennywise?
