My horror movie reviews

Army of the Dead

I remember being reminded more of Watchmen than Dawn of the Dead when I first saw this film in terms of Snyder’s previous films. This mostly due to the way it incorporated classic songs with the opening. Of course the premise alone had this clever (if a bit enjoyably cheesy) Ocean’s Eleven thing working for it. Granted that as it went along it followed through as the best undead movies do by essentially alluding via commentary to the way COVID had essentially affected our world. As a horror movie, though, it works best as an action horror, with one or two scenes that feel genuinely horrifying without being exploitative (or too gruesome) while it even pays homage to an infamous scene from a certain Edgar Wright film (albeit in a strangely more serious light). It’s hard to really say it’s a bad film compared to not only the effort and care put into it but the bar set by Mr. Snyder’s other works.