My horror movie reviews


The first thing that came into my mind when I first saw this were two things. One that it was more attuned to my subjective interests compared to Ex Machina, which was a really good movie but unlikable for me (at least at the time). The second was that it was also hard to watch in even more parts from the found footage scene to the bear scene to even the ending. What’s funny, though, is that it didn’t really remind me of home in the most natural way despite taking place in Florida, where I spent most of my childhood. Yes, it has a very nostalgic vibe that brings the early to mid 90s back into play (particularly due to the visuals and even the music to the point we hear what I can only describe as an homage to Host of Seraphim as though it wished to ape a more in-depth version of The Mist). But it also flirts with science fantasy, if not biopunk, as well (particularly during the scene with the white stag) which was what really took off in the 90s.
 Overall it felt like the Donnie Darko of its time by the end: a movie that created something new by wishing to combine an unnatural assortment of genres that existed in the past two decades ago.