My horror movie reviews

All Hallows Eve Review

It was ok for the most part. I mean at its best it was the Trick R’ Treat of its time. Yeah, there were scenes that went further than usual (mostly involving three women in a devil’s cult), while one involving an alien was unexpectedly tame. In fact Mr. Leone as much brings back the original 2011 Terrifier short (with a few visual updates) as he subverts audience’s expectations with a videocassette by assuming they’ve seen the obvious movie of the same piece of paraphernalia by the end. I just suppose that’s the one tricky bit with returning to the 80s/70s aesthetic: you bring back as much the over-the-top bit that only belonged there as much as the slight bit that teetered between inspired and subtle yet dull. Still, it gets points for the fact it went this far with practical effects alone, something that was flat out impossible by the 90s. Plus Art the clown might be the first slasher since Jason or Michael whose actions spoke much louder than words, so kudos for that as well.