My horror movie reviews


This was really only a horror movie by 80s standards. Which even then it didn’t really feel like one compared to, say, most of the slasher films and their sequels being released that decade. But since the first one was a horror movie, which only came out a decade prior, I’m counting this one anyway. I feel as though the reason behind this is because James Cameron was trying to phase out of his Piranha 2 origins in order to work on films that were more synced in to his epic science fiction and romance fancy from Terminator and The Abyss to Titanic and True Lies. Though now that I think about it, it makes sense that movies like Predator and Hellraiser came out a year later as one was from the USA and another from the UK, which was what the original collaboration of the first Alien was (yet showcased how horror had long changed in each respective country since then). But hey, it was good that it got a good sequel before it would take Ridley Scott returning decades later to make that happen again.