My horror movie reviews

Alien Review

I don’t know if the UK still does this, but for some time, basing horror movies off of the horrors of smaller animals from nature almost seemed like a trend. In 1980’s The Godsend one of the characters even admits it by pointing out how cuckoos can be brood parasites to elaborate on the premise. And while this may be possible it is still debatable (in my opinion) how The Wicker Man may have taken inspiration on how female coyotes lure neighborhood dogs into the wild for the pack to take in. So naturally parasitoid wasps may have been the main inspiration for Ridley Scott’s second film ever. Eitherway I can definitely say that there was no better time for this film to come out than the late 70s, when the exploitative nature of movies was on its way out yet still had a few things left to say. Especially when it went on to influence other movies in the 80s for better like John Carpenter’s or David Cronenberg’s work, and for worse like movies such as Pumpkinhead or any other idea of that derivative nature.