My horror movie reviews

Alien: Covenant

Before It Chapter 1 would give me the wake up call from horror movies that felt more like a hug for genre enthusiasts (yet a slap in the face for anyone else) Ridley Scott made sure I at least had a string to hold on to as he was hoisting me out of the quick sand that 2016 got me stuck in. The benefit of seeing this movie in theaters is that I had not only previously treated myself to the first two Alien movies but I had also watched Prometheus prior to them. So to see him return to an Alien movie (enough to include it in the title) for the first time in almost four decades felt like a surreal treat. Yeah, it’s obviously not the best Alien movie to come out of the franchise anyway. But compared to David Fincher’s take, Resurrection, and the Predator crossover films, it was at least enough to return them to form. Plus there are too many scenes which make it impossible to be called dull, from Michael Fassbender essentially kissing himself, to the scene where an entire alien civilization is wiped out, to even this awkwardly horrifying scene where Fassbender’s character watches an Alien first pop out. I almost even felt as though the film inspired Mr. Garland to adapt Annihilation in terms of Science Fiction horror films that welcomed something past what we usually expected.